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Curriculum Vitae

Tal Schwartz, born in Haifa, Israel, studied physics at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He received his PhD in 2008 for his research on nonlinear dynamics in stochastic optical systems under the supervision of Prof. Moti Segev. During his PhD he studied the transport of light in disordered waveguide arrays, photorefractive optical solitons and pattern formation in nonlinear optical systems. He had several achievemnets, including the first observation of Anderson localization in disordered photonic lattices and the first observation of spontaneous pattern formation with white light. He then moved to France for his postdoctoral studies at the Laboratory for Nanostructures led by Prof. Thomas Ebbesen at Strasbourg University under a Rothschild Fellowship from Yad Hanadiv Foundation and a Chateaubriand Fellowship from the French Embassy in Israel. There he studied the interaction of light with organic molecules in nanostructures, focusing on strong coupling in organic cavities and plasmonic nanostructures. In 2012 he joined Tel Aviv University as a senior lecturer at the School of Chemistry, where he is currently establishing his independent research group.

Awards and Fellowships

2013      Alon Fellowship for young faculty, Council for Higher Education, Israel


2008      Yad-Hanadiv Rothschild Post-Doctorate Fellowship


2008      Chateaubriand Fellowship, French embassy in Israel


2005      Sir Charles Clore Fellowship for outstanding PhD students


2004      Wolf Prize for excellent PhD students


2002      Special Gutwirth award for outstanding graduate students


2004-2008      PhD in the physics department, Technion, Israel, under the supervision of Prof. Mordechai Segev.                           Title of dissertation: "Nonlinear Dynamics and Effects in Optical Systems".


2002-2004      M.Sc in the physics department, Technion, Israel, under the supervision of Prof. Mordechai Segev.


1998-2001      B.A. in Physics, Technion, Israel (graduated Cum Laude).


Previous Employment

2008-2012      Post-doctorate at Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS), University of Strasbourg, France


2001-2002      R&D, Optimaze Telecom LTD, Israel


2000               R&D, Beamworks LTD, Israel


Fields of Interest

  • Light-matter interactions in optical cavities

  • Polaritons dynamics and collective effects

  • Photophysics of organic molecules

  • Optical properties of metallic nanoparticles

  • Surface plasmons in nano-structures

  • Nonlinear dynamics in optical systems

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